Mapping × Searching (2015)
130×97 cm / Acrylic on canvas
53×45.5 cm each / Indian ink on paper
Location: Viborg, Denmark
I find out significant structures for motif of drawings in the town. While I am searching, I draw a map in my mind as usual to adapt my self to an unknown place. Also, I design map-symbols based on the found motifs. After that, I produce a map painting of the town, and paint the symbols (icons) onto it.
(Bus 888 to Jutland)
(Overview of Viborg, Denmark)
"Mapping×Searching" motif-1
"Mapping×Searching" drawing-1
"Mapping×Searching" motif-2
"Mapping×Searching" drawing-2
"Mapping×Searching" motif-3
"Mapping×Searching" drawing-3
"Mapping×Searching" motif-4
"Mapping×Searching" drawing-4
"Mapping×Searching" motif-5
drawing-5 / corresponded symbol in the painting
"Mapping×Searching" motif-6
drawing-6 / corresponded symbol in the painting
"Mapping×Searching" motif-7
drawing-7 / corresponded symbol in the painting
Mapping×Searching (extracted)
Mapping×Searching / Artist talk
Mapping×Searching / Artist talk
"Mapping×Searching" motif-8
"Mapping×Searching" motif-9
Mapping × Searching (Viborg) 130×97 cm / Acrylic on canvas / 2015
(Main street)
(Leaving from Jutland)